Special Olympics Games Application

Special Olympics Game Application 

Role: Senior Producer (2) Independent Study with Josh Meltzer (3 credits)

DESCRIPTION: We are seeking applications for two students to serve as lead producers for our program’s photo coverage of the Special Olympics New York State Games February 23-25, 2018. You will share project management responsibilities for all aspects of this event, including pre- and post-event planning. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: photographer and picture editor coverage assignments for opening and closing ceremonies, as well as all sporting events; web content publishing; social media strategy for visuals; infrastructure decisions around IT and networking support; image archiving; and communication with Special Olympics representatives.

REQUIREMENTS: Oversight at this level requires superior leadership skills, clear communication, an attention to detail and an excellent sense of humor. In addition, you will be asked to bring ingenuity, ideas and good problem solving to the event as issues arise and utilize a diverse group of students who come to be involved in our coverage in a variety of ways. You must have the ability to get work done without being asked, and have strong and balanced principles about delegating work to others. You must be levelheaded under pressure and be organized well in advance to avoid mishaps. You will both be required to begin work before and during Winter Break, in addition to Spring Semester, as part of this course. The bulk of your hours will be spent during Winter Break, the weeks leading up to the games and three long days during the games themselves. After the games, though the hours will subside considerably, you will be responsible for preparing the archive for the Special Olympics, completing any unfinished materials for publication and completing a thorough post-mortem. We hope to cover the 2019 games as well, which will also be hosted in Rochester, so you will be responsible for documenting your leadership and creating a road map that you can pass to the 2019 producers.

HOW TO APPLY: If you’re interested in applying, first schedule a time to talk with a photojournalism faculty to learn more about this event and to share some of your ideas before applying. Then, email a resume and cover letter, including specific experience you have in project management and ideas you might bring to this event to Josh Meltzer jhmpph@rit.edu no later than Friday, December 1, 2017 @5pm. Anyone is welcome to apply. Organize your thoughts and ideas in your cover letter that will demonstrate your ability to lead a team, develop creative ideas for the coverage and solve problems. The two students selected for the independent study will be notified before the last day of classes.


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